Source code for hepmc2dot

#!/usr/bin/env python

import argparse
import math
import re  # regex
import sys

def _get_dot_particle(prod_vtx_barcode, end_vtx_barcode,
                      particle_barcode, particle_id, particle_energy):
    Returns a string containing a DOT formatted edge which represents a particle travelling from
    the given production to the given end vertex. If end_vtx_barcode is None, the edge will connect
    to a dummy end vertex.
    prod_vtx = _get_node_name(prod_vtx_barcode)
    if not end_vtx_barcode:
        end_vtx = _get_node_name(particle_barcode, is_dummy=True)
        end_vtx = _get_node_name(end_vtx_barcode)

    particle_dot = '    {prod_vtx} -> {end_vtx} [label="p #{bc}\\n' \
                   'id={part_id}\\n' \
    return particle_dot

def _get_node_name(barcode, is_dummy=False):
    Returns the DOT node name for the given barcode

    DOT nodes represent either an interaction vertex or a dummy end vertex for a final state
    if is_dummy:
        dummy = 'dummy_'
        dummy = ''

    abs_bc = abs(int(barcode))
    node_name = 'V_{dummy}{abs_bc}'.format(dummy=dummy, abs_bc=abs_bc)
    return node_name

def _get_dot_vertex(barcode, r, z, is_dummy=False, scale=1.):
    Generates a DOT formatted string representing an interaction (or dummy) vertex for the given
    barcode and coordinates
    barcode = int(barcode)
    r = float(r)
    z = float(z)
    if is_dummy:
        attrib = 'shape=none,label=""'
        attrib = r'label="vtx #{bc}\nr={r:.2f},z={z:.2f}"'.format(bc=barcode,
                                                                  r=r, z=z)

    vtx_name = _get_node_name(barcode, is_dummy)
    dot = '    {node} [{attrib},pos="{zpos:.3f},{rpos:.3f}!"];\n'.format(node=vtx_name,
                                                                         zpos=z * scale,
                                                                         rpos=r * scale)
    return dot

[docs]class HepDotWriter(object): """ Generates a dot file representing the given particles, interaction vertices and events """ def __init__(self, dotfile): #TODO: implement next:, vtx_threshold=np.nan, scale=1.): self.dotfile = open(dotfile, 'w') self.event_open = False self.cur_vtx_barcode = None self.cur_vtx_r = None self.cur_vtx_z = None # TODO: implement next: # self.vtx_threshold = np.nan # vtx_threshold self.scale = 1. # scale # primary only: #self.vtx_threshold = 200000 #self.scale = 50. # all particles: #self.vtx_threshold = np.nan #self.scale = 2.
[docs] def start_new_event(self, raw_hepmc_line): self._end_opened_event() self._begin_event(raw_hepmc_line)
[docs] def start_new_vertex(self, raw_hepmc_line): hepmc = raw_hepmc_line.split() vtx_barcode_column = 1 vtx_barcode = int(hepmc[vtx_barcode_column]) # TODO: implement next #vtx_abs_barcode = abs(vtx_barcode) #if vtx_abs_barcode > self.vtx_threshold: # return x_column = 3 x = float(hepmc[x_column]) y_column = 4 y = float(hepmc[y_column]) z_column = 5 self.cur_vtx_z = float(hepmc[z_column]) self.cur_vtx_r = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) self.cur_vtx_barcode = vtx_barcode dot_vtx = _get_dot_vertex(vtx_barcode, self.cur_vtx_r, self.cur_vtx_z, scale=self.scale) self.dotfile.write(dot_vtx)
[docs] def add_outgoing_particle(self, raw_hepmc_line): line = raw_hepmc_line.split() particle_barcode_column = 1 particle_barcode = line[particle_barcode_column] particle_id_column = 2 particle_id = line[particle_id_column] particle_energy_column = 6 particle_energy = float(line[particle_energy_column]) mom_x_column = 3 mom_x = float(line[mom_x_column]) mom_y_column = 4 mom_y = float(line[mom_y_column]) mom_z_column = 5 mom_z = float(line[mom_z_column]) end_vtx_barcode_column = 11 end_vtx_barcode = abs(int(line[end_vtx_barcode_column])) # TODO: implement next #if end_vtx_barcode > self.vtx_threshold: # return if not end_vtx_barcode: # create dummy end node for partiles that don't have end vertices mom_r = math.sqrt(mom_x**2 + mom_y**2) mom_abs = math.sqrt(mom_r**2 + mom_z**2) particle_len = 200. end_vtx_r = self.cur_vtx_r * self.scale + mom_r / mom_abs * particle_len end_vtx_z = self.cur_vtx_z * self.scale + mom_z / mom_abs * particle_len dot_vtx = _get_dot_vertex(particle_barcode, end_vtx_r, end_vtx_z, is_dummy=True) self.dotfile.write(dot_vtx) particle_dot = _get_dot_particle(self.cur_vtx_barcode, end_vtx_barcode, particle_barcode, particle_id, particle_energy) self.dotfile.write(particle_dot)
[docs] def close(self): """ Terminates the currently open event and closes the output file. """ self._end_opened_event() self.dotfile.close()
def __del__(self): self.close() def _begin_event(self, raw_hepmc_line): self.event_open = True evt_num_column = 1 evt_num = raw_hepmc_line.split()[evt_num_column] self.dotfile.write("digraph event_%s {\n" % evt_num) def _end_event(self): self.dotfile.write("}\n") def _end_opened_event(self): if self.event_open: self._end_event() self.event_open = False
[docs]def main(argv): """ Parses the given command line arguments and runs the conversion from the specified input HepMC::IO_GenEvent to the specified DOT output file """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Convert HepMC::IO_GenEvent ASCII files into DOT files') parser.add_argument('hepmcfile', help='input HepMC::IO_GenEvent formatted ASCII file') parser.add_argument('dotfile', help='output DOT file') args = parser.parse_args(argv) convert(args.hepmcfile, args.dotfile)
[docs]def convert(hepmc_file, dot_file): """ Converts the given HepMC::IO_GenEvent formatted file into a DOT formatted file """ begin_event_pattern = re.compile(r'^E .*$') vertex_pattern = re.compile(r'^V .*$') particle_pattern = re.compile(r'^P .*$') with open(hepmc_file, 'r') as hepmc: dot = HepDotWriter(dot_file) for line in hepmc: if begin_event_pattern.match(line): dot.start_new_event(line) elif vertex_pattern.match(line): dot.start_new_vertex(line) elif particle_pattern.match(line): dot.add_outgoing_particle(line)
# ignore unknown lines if __name__ == '__main__': args = sys.argv[1:] main(args)